Data Protection

Privacy Notice – General Data Protection Regulations

We, Venturers Trust are the Data Controller for the purposes of the General Data Protection Regulation. We collect information from you and may receive information about you from your previous school and/or the Department for Education. We hold this personal data and use it to:

• support your teaching and learning.

• monitor and report on your progress.

• provide appropriate pastoral care, and

• assess how well your school is doing.

This information includes your contact details, national curriculum assessment results, attendance information, any exclusion information, characteristics such as ethnic group, special educational needs and any relevant medical information.

We will not give information about you to anyone outside the school without your consent unless the law and our rules permit it. We are required by law to pass some of your information to the Local Authority (LA), and the Department for Education (DfE) In the event of an emergency, a child in danger or the belief that a criminal act has taken place, details may be passed to the Police.

DfE may also share student-level personal data that we supply to them, with third parties. This will only take place where legislation allows it to do so, and it follows the General Data Protection Regulation 2016

If you want to see a copy of the information we hold and share about you then please contact the Headteacher or email

If you require more information about how the LA and/or DfE store and use this data, please go to the following websites:



If you are unable to access these websites, please contact the LA or the DfE as follows:

Children & Young People’s Services City Hall College Green Bristol BS1 5TR Tel: 0117 922 2000

Department for Education Piccadilly Gate Store Street Manchester M1 2DW Tel: 0370 000 2288

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