Student Voice

Meet the Team 

Student Voice

Rationale: Being a member of the Student Leadership Team is a role of great importance and is a role that our students honour with pride and prestige. Our Student Leadership Team are positive role models to all members of our community, both internally and externally to the Academy. 

School Parliament: Each term, our school parliament meet as a representation of the thoughts and opinions of every student within the academy. Within the meeting there are 2 Year ambassadors from each year group, and they feedback the important information from their peers. 

You Said, We Did: Within each term we complete a ‘You Said We Did’ cycle. We listen to the voices and opinions within our academy and evaluate change to ensure it has a positive impact.  

See how we have implemented change here: You Said, We Did ( 

Opportunities for our student leaders: In November two members of our Student Leadership team, Evie & Karolina, hosted a ‘Women in Technology’ webinar with Spark at DAS UK Group. In the online seminar, which was aimed at students from Y10 through to Y13, the students listened to a panel of women who work within DAS in the Technology, Data, and Strategic Change sectors. The goal of the session was to inspire girls to take up STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Maths) careers and encourage more diversity within the industry. Certainly, a theme that was consistent throughout the panellist’s experiences was being willing to try new things, listening and learning areas of a business or technology to decide which parts interest you. A key message to the students was to have confidence in your own ability and not being afraid to ask questions. Following the success of the event, DAS hope to continue to build a relationship with our school by offering Work Experience placements next year! You can read more about the seminar here - DAS teams up with Merchants’ Academy for webinar to inspire young women - DAS 

Testimonials: ‘Student Voice has allowed me to collaborate with younger students in the academy to help make a change. Also, being able to represent the school in front of our CEO is very memorable as this will look good on my UCAS application, and it is a great opportunity that I have been given’ (Jannat).