Useful Links

Useful Links and Resources




Supporting the wellbeing of children has never been so important. To assist you in doing this, we have produced two fantastic free parental resources

Advice and support


The Suzy Lamplugh Trust
National Personal Safety Day
Domestic Violence Support - The Hideout 
NSPCC & ChildLine resources
The ChildLine School Service
Young Minds
Educate Against The Hate
Kooth - Online mentoring
Off The Record
Self Injury Support
Winston's Wish
National Self Harm Network
Bullying UK
Anorexia and Buliminia Care

Sextortion - National Crime Agency

Sextortion - UK Safer Internet Centre

CEOP Safety Centre


Online Safety

CEOP Police
Thinkuknow 11-13
Thinkuknow 14+





Sex and Relationships

NHS Live Well
Young Stonewall


Talk To Frank

OTR Group - Mind Aid

We have new dates for the next rounds of the Digital Mind Aid workshops, which will run over the summer!

Mind Aid is for anyone struggling with difficult feelings related to stress, anxiety, low mood, or depression. 

Aimed at YP living in Bristol & South Glos, they will be delivered to two separate age ranges -see below. Learn more and sign-up through the OTR Website here: Mind Aid - OTR (

1. The workshops will run via ZOOM and YP will have the opportunity to participate via interactive activities and online tools such as quizzes, discussions and videos

2. Participation and the use of mics and cameras are welcome and encouraged but not mandatory

3. Once signed up, the facilitators will get in touch so that young people will know what to expect and will have the opportunity to ask any questions before the first session!

MIND AID 11-14

  • 8th of July to 12th of August
  • Mondays 4:30pm – 5:45pm, Online for 6 weeks
  • This is for young people aged 11-14

MIND AID 15-17

  • 23rd July to 27th of August for 6 weeks
  • Tuesdays, Time TBC, Online for 6 weeks
  • This is for young people aged 15-17 and 11 months

MIND AID 11-14

  • 8th of August to 12th of September for 6 weeks
  • Thursdays 4:30pm – 5:45 pm, Online for 6 weeks
  • This is for young people aged 11-14